Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

stones cry

On a hill far from the village, there lived Kalimantan area a poor widow and a daughter.

The girl was very beautiful widow. But unfortunately, he had a very bad attitude. The girl was very lazy, never helped her mother do the house work. It works just primp each day.

In addition to lazy, spoiled girl was his attitude at all. Any request must be obeyed. Every time he asked for something to his mother should be granted, regardless of the poor state of his mother, every day must toil to find a bite of rice.

One day her mother asked her son down to the village to shop. The location of the village market so far, so they had to walk quite tiring. The girl was walking breezed by wearing good clothes and preen for the street people who see it will be admiring her beauty. While his mother walked behind, carrying a basket with a very dirty clothes. Because they live secluded place, no one knew that the two women who run it are the mother and child.

When they began to enter the village, the villagers stared at them. They were so fascinated by the beauty of the girl child, especially the rural youth who could not get enough looking at the girl's face. But when he saw people walking behind the girl, quite in contrast. It makes one wonder.

Among those who saw it, a young man approached and asked her, "Hey, pretty girl. Is that runs behind it your mother?"
However, what the girl was the answer?
"No," she said loftily. "He is a servant!"
Both mother and child were then continued on. Not how much, again a young man approached and asked the girl child.
"Hi, sweetie. Is that your mother was walking behind you?"
"No, no," replied the girl with her head. "He is budakk!"
That's every girl you meet someone along the way who asked about her mother, always answer it. His mother is treated as servants or slaves.

At first, the rebellious daughter to hear the answer if someone asked, the mother was able to restrain himself. But after repeatedly hearing the same answer and that is very painful, eventually the poor mother could not help myself. The mother prayed.

"Yes Lord, I could not withstand this insult. Child birth so how could treat themselves servants of servants in such a way. Yes, God punish this rebellious child! Punish him ...."
On the power of God Almighty, slowly rebellious girl's body turned to stone. That change starts from the feet. When the change has reached half of the body, the girl was crying for mercy to his mother.

"Oh, Mom .. mom .. please forgive me, forgive my son for this iniquity. Mother ... Mother ... Forgive your son .." The girl continued to wail and cry to his mother pleaded. However, it was too late. The whole body of the girl eventually turned to stone. Even a stone, but one can see that his eyes still shed tears, like he was crying. Therefore, the stone came from the girl who got her mother's curse is called "Crying Stones".

Thus the story of this legendary form, the local people believed that the story really happened. Whosoever disobeys the biological mother who gave birth to and raise it, it will certainly act laknatnya punishment from God Almighty.

sumber : http://www.lokerseni.web.id/2011/12/cerita-legenda-batu-menangis.html

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012


Buah sebagai makanan sehat yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Berbagai macam buah dengan berbagai vitamin dan mineral bisa kita temukan. Mulai dari lokal untuk potongan buah impor. Artikel ini akan membahas berbagai buah lokal yang dikenal dan tidak kehilangan nutrisi dengan berbagai fruit.A impor buah-buahan lokal di Indonesia adalah buah yang memiliki rasa lezat. Buah ini adalah jenis buah tropis. Ternyata berbagai buah lokal yang lezat untuk makan tetapi memiliki banyak manfaat bahkan untuk kesehatan. Berikut adalah beberapa dari mereka.

 adalah salah satu jenis umum dari warna kulit diberikan bagi mereka yang memiliki kulit agak gelap. Hal ini tidak mengherankan karena kulit dan daging berwarna cokelat dengan rasa yang sangat manis. Kaya karbohidrat karena bagian 20% dari gula. Sawo mengandung vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C dan kalium yang tinggi sehingga baik untuk menjaga kesehatan pembuluh darah.
Kesemek adalah buah yang seperti bubuk mengenakan, karena ada bagian pada kulit sebagai bubuk putih. Dapat digunakan untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi karena mengandung fluoride dan berguna untuk menjaga kesehatan gusi dan mulut.
Jeruk bali
    Jeruk Bali
 memiliki kulit tebal dan seperti spons. Berbentuk seperti jeruk, tetapi dalam ukuran yang lebih besar dan putih atau merah muda. Flavonoid, pektin dan likopen merupakan senyawa yang terkandung di dalamnya. Berfungsi untuk menurunkan kolesterol, mencegah anemia dan mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung.Selain itu, kulit jeruk dapat dibuat menjadi berbagai kerajinan menarik.
Jambu Air
 air dengan warna merah atau hijau khas. Buah ini banyak mengandung air.Buah ini dimakan dengan kulit kaya akan vitamin A, C, kalsium dan protein. Manfaat untuk menjaga kelembaban kulit dan serat untuk pencernaan.
Merah Jambu
Jambu biji adalah buah dengan vitamin C di samping konten yang sangat tinggi kalsium, fosfor besi, vitamin A dan B1. Harus makan buah dengan kulit karena daging dekat kulit yang mengandung vitamin C paling banyak.
Duku merupakan buah dengan bentuk bulat kecil dan memiliki daging yang cenderung jelas. Memiliki banyak mineral seperti kalsium, fosfor dan besi. Berguna untuk mengobati diare dan sistem pencernaan.
Belimbing adalah nama dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini belimbing adalah lima poin berbentuk bintang. Kandungan vitamin E di dalamnya bermanfaat bagi kecantikan kulit.Buah ini juga diyakini menurunkan tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi.
 Buah ini sering digunakan sebagai bahan menebak permainan menebak isi di dalamnya. Meski kulitnya hitam, tetapi daging berwarna putih dan memiliki manfaat yang besar untuk antioksidan, tinggi antibiotik dan antivirus.Buah-buahan ini dapat meringankan masalah kelelahan dan vertigo.
Sirsak biasanya dimakan dengan menambahkan, sirup gula atau dibuat jus. Kulitnya adalah daging hijau dan putih. Manfaat sebagai pengatur kadar gula darah dan melawan bakteri dalam tubuh.
Spesies Salak menyalak di Indonesia dikenal memiliki kualitas terbaik. Rasanya manis dan renyah cukup untuk membuat buah ini lebih disukai. Brown buah bersisik dapat meredakan air limbah terus menerus. Hal ini juga yang harus membuat Anda untuk tidak mengkonsumsi terlalu banyak, karena Anda mungkin akan sulit untuk buang air kecil.
Rambutan buah dengan karakteristik rambut dapat ditemukan dengan mudah pada musim. Buah ini manis seperti anak-anak putih untuk orang dewasa. Antioksidan konten dalam daging sangat besar, sehingga sangat baik untuk kesehatan. Salah satu yang memiliki rasa lezat Rapiah rambutan.
Daging adalah nanas kuning dengan rasa manis dan asam, menjadi salah satu buah favorit di salad. Manfaat nanas antara lain dapat membantu dalam mempersempit pembuluh darah tertutup lemak, membantu pencernaan dan berguna bagi anda yang sedang berdiet.
Pepaya memiliki daging berwarna oranye dan biji hitam dari benda bulat kecil. Beta-karoten adalah kandungan gizi tertinggi di dalamnya. Hal ini juga dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara.
Salah satu buah yang banyak disukai mangga. Buah ini biasanya diinginkan wanita hamil muda karena rasanya asam. Tapi, jika telah matang, daging kuning akan terasa manis karena kandungan gula cukup tinggi. Bermanfaat untuk kesehatan kulit dan tekanan darah pengendali.Selain lebih murah, menikmati buah-buahan lokal menjadi salah satu variasi dalam menikmati buah segar. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk mencicipi kesegaran buah-buahan dan merasakan hasil dari negara mereka sendiri serta manfaat kenikmati.


Minggu, 29 April 2012


Fruits as a healthy food needed by the body. A wide range of fruit with a variety of vitamins and minerals we can find. Ranging from local to imported fruit pieces. This article will discuss a variety of local fruit known and do not lose nutrients with imported fruit.A variety of local fruits in Indonesia is a fruit that has a delicious flavor. This fruit is a type of tropical fruit. It turns out a variety of local fruit is delicious to eat but has many benefits even for health. Here are some of them.

Brown is one common type of skin color is given for those who have slightly darker skin. This is not surprising because the skin and flesh colored chocolate brown with a very sweet taste. Rich in carbohydrates because the 20% portion of the sugar. Sapodilla contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and potassium is high, so good for maintaining healthy blood vessels.
Persimmon is a fruit which is like wearing powder, because there is a section on the skin as white powder. Can be used to maintain dental health as it contains fluoride and is useful for maintaining healthy gums and mouth.
Grapefruit has a thick skin and like a sponge. Shaped like an orange, but in a larger size and white or pink. Flavonoids, pectin and lycopene are compounds contained therein. Serves to lower cholesterol, prevent anemia and reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, the skin of grapefruit can be made into a variety of interesting crafts.
Jambu Air
Rose-water with red or green color is typical. This fruit contains a lot of water. The fruit is eaten with the skin is rich in vitamins A, C, calcium and protein. The benefit to keep skin moist and fiber for digestion.
Red Guava
Guava is a fruit with vitamin C in addition to a very high content of calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A and B1. Should eat the fruit with the skin because of the meat near the skin that contain vitamin C at the most.
Duku is a fruit with a small round shape and has a flesh that tends to clear. Have many minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. Useful for treating diarrhea and digestive system.
Starfruit is the name in English. This star fruit is a five-point star-shaped. The content of vitamin E in it beneficial for the skin beauty. The fruit is also believed to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
Guess, guess what the mangosteen fruit. This fruit is often used as ingredients guessing game to guess the contents inside. Although his skin is black, but the flesh is white and has a great benefit for antioxidant, antibiotic and antiviral high. These fruits can relieve fatigue and vertigo problems.
Soursop usually eaten with added sugar, syrup or juice made. His skin is green and white meat. Benefits as a regulator of blood sugar levels and fight bacteria in the body.
Salak barked species in Indonesia are known to have the best quality. The taste is sweet and crisp enough to make this fruit is preferred. Brown scaly fruit can relieve a waste water continuously. It is well that should make you not to consume too much, because you might be difficult to urinate.
Rambutan fruit with characteristic hair can be found easily on the season. The fruit is sweet like white kids to adults. Antioxidant content in meat is very large, so it is good for health. One that has a delicious flavor is rapiah rambutan.
The flesh is yellow pineapple with sweet and sour taste, became one of the favorite fruits in a salad. The benefits of pineapple, among others, may be helpful in narrowing the blood vessels are covered in fat, aids digestion and is useful for those of you who are dieting.
Papaya has an orange-colored flesh and black seeds of small round object. Beta-carotene is the highest nutrient content in it. It also can inhibit breast cancer cell growth.
One of the fruit is much preferred the mango. The fruit is usually desirable young pregnant women because it tastes sour. But, if it has matured, yellow flesh will taste sweet because the sugar content is high enough. Beneficial for skin health and controlling blood pressure.
In addition to cheaper, enjoy the local fruits become one of the variations in enjoying the fresh fruit. So, do not hesitate to taste the freshness of fruits and feel the results of their own country as well kenikmati benefits.

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012



School holidays have just passed leaving a lot of stories and memories for me and my family.
On Thursday 14 February 2012 I left for my vacation to the safari park with a cheerful face and felt awful when he got there if not Saturday / Sunday for not too crowded so they can walk in peace and if you want the toy did not have to queue.
Rp.55.000 per person with tickets cheap enough to remember it was very much that we get in, the journey begins with along zone after zone, zebra skin is attached to the memory of how perfect creation is good and blameless. After that it was time to try rides. Armed with a ticket for the toy canal Rp.40.000 per person is able to play as much. 13:00 hours is the time for the elephant show, where the elephants showed his ability in painting, counting, and others. quite entertaining
My sister also dare you to eat the elephant, near the elephant was not afraid. after seeing the elephant, I see a dolphin show children are also enthusiastic, quite entertaining
after that we desist safari vacation to the park and go home
that's the story my college vacation at that time